Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In the beginning.
In the beginning we were
embarking on a journey.
A journey that would lead us
into thorns and briars
And sunbursts and cloudless skies.

We came.
We came willingly, longing to grow.
To become.

And so we started.
We commenced on this journey.
We met rocky paths and climbed
We waded through mud.
We watched sunsets.
Slid down rainbows.
Jumped in puddles
And were blown in the wind.
Some days we grew.
Some days we died.
Some days we felt we were
trapped in a never-ending cycle.
A circle that neither begins nor ends.

We wondered if we were becoming.
If we were growing or shrinking or
And one day, we looked back.
We looked back on the paths we had tread,
The mountains we had climbed,
The dreams we had found,
And we saw.
We saw that our lives were not a circle,
but a spiral.
An upward spiral stretching
heavenward beyond the stars.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

